Mesa Redonda Hispaña
de Nuevo México

Our mission is to seek the advancement of education, employment,
economic advancement, environmental justice, civil rights and social
justice for Hispanic Americans. Our coalition was formed to address
the many challenges facing the Hispano community at the local, state,
national and international level.
Let the Mission Statement of the New Mexico Hispano Round Table reflect what this organization advocates
1. Parity for Hispanos equal to our numbers and percentages of the population of the State of New Mexico at all levels and in all sectors, public and private.
2. The defense of civil and human rights of all Hispanos of the State of New Mexico.
3. Elimination of and opposition to discrimination against New Mexican Hispanos in hiring, retention and promotion in all sectors, public and private.
4. Promote the achievement of excellence for all Hispanos in education and in all sectors, public and private.
5. Promotion of the language, history, culture, arts, crafts, music and values of the New Mexican Hispano

"Our children and our youth represent 100% of our future. Therefore, whatever we invest in them today will determine our future in all things."