Mesa Redonda Hispaña
de Nuevo México

The Hispano Round Table of New Mexico (HRTNM) was originally formed in
1980 as a coalition of local, state and national Hispano
organizations. These organizations formed as a coalition of community partners in order to
effectively speak with one voice on many issues that affect and impact
the Hispano community.
To seek advancement of education, employment, economic development, environmental justice, civil rights, and social justice for Hispanic Americans.

Since it's inception, The Round Table has been instrumental in helping Hispanic American citizens of New Mexico make their voices heard.

"Our next generation of Raza, our next generation period, will begin to be measured by the world we leave them."
Ralph Arellanes Sr.

Ralph Arellanes Sr., Chairman, Hispano Round Table of NM
Kathy Gonzales, Vice Chair/Environmental Justice Today
Ivan Valdez, Secretary/American GI Forum/Veterans Affairs
Arthur Archuleta, Treasurer/Rep. HRT-Las Vegas , NM
Missy Martinez, MGS Communications/Business
Daniel O. Montaño, Sportsmen Association and Filmmakers Association
Marcella Arellanes, La Lucha
Jim Arellanes, MAES
Lupe Arellanes, Hispanic Financial Mgrs. and CPAs


The Hispano Round Table was organized under the direction of several Hispano organizers including; Ralph Arellanes, Loretta Armenta, John García, Mary Molina Mescal and Lisa López. It was created to be a coalition of Hispano Organizations and as a clearinghouse for the exchange of information on matters of interest to all. The partner organizations at the outset were; IMAGE, GI FORUM, Hispano Chamber of Commerce, MANA, and HUNM. Over time, the organization increased in size as more and more groups came into the coalition.
HRTNM Chairman, Ralph Arellanes, founded and created the original 501c3 nonprofit organization and the current structure for the Hispano Round Table of New Mexico.