Mesa Redonda Hispaña
de Nuevo México

Since its inception in the early 1980's, The Hispano Round Table of NM has accomplished many great things for the Hispano citizens of New Mexico.
· New Mexico ENLACE – Facilitated, mentored and advocated for the graduation of over 300,000 High School graduates in New Mexico since the year 2000. This is the only HRTNM program that has received grant and legislative funding. NM ENLACE was started through the voluntary efforts of the Hispanic Statement of Cooperation (HSOC). Currently New Mexico ENLACE manages & oversees a 98% graduation rate.
· White House and National recognition of our New Mexico ENLACE program .
· The Hispano Round Table of New Mexico & ENLACE College Scholarships – Over $1.1 Million in Scholarships awarded to date to New Mexico students.
· The Hispano Round Table of New Mexico initiated, negotiated, signed and secured an agreement with Kirtland AFB in March 2017 for their employment demographics and representation of Hispanos to “Look like New Mexico” by the year 2022.
· From 1995 – 1998 the HRTNM & IMAGE initiated, led, negotiated and signed the Hispanic Statement of Cooperation (HSOC) statewide collaborative that created the New Mexico ENLACE proposal and structure and many other programs in the areas of Education, Employment, Economic Development, Cultural Celebration & Civil Rights. The HSOC along with other Hispanic leaders, led the creation & construction of the National Hispanic Cultural Center (NHCC).
· The HSOC has served as a catalyst to placing thousands of Hispanos into jobs and creating business opportunities with institutions and private industry nationwide.
· Establishment and signing of the New Mexico Hispanic Education Act (NMHEA) in 2010.
· Created the Unidos Project to better establish a culture of education across New Mexico – White House Recognition in 2015.
· Founding Members of the Explora Science Museum.
· Advocacy to maintain the Bridge and Lottery Scholarships for New Mexico Students in 2013.
· White Peak Land Victory – over 14,000 acres (2009-2010).
· Led the Proclamation for the Rio Grande del Norte National monument – over 242,455 acres. Signed by President Obama in 2013.
· Led the Proclamation for the Organ Mountain Desert Peaks National Monument – over 600,000 acres. Signed by President Obama in 2014.
· Glorieta Pass Civil War Monument and Memorial passed NM Senate 40 – 0 in 2015.
· Currently establishing the funding to build the actual Civil War Memorial at the Glorieta Pass site.
· Authored the New Mexico Civil War Soldiers and Battlefields Proclamation which was entered into the U.S. Congressional Record in May of 2015
· First community organization to lead and call for the USDOJ investigation of the Albuquerque Police Department in 2007.
· Led the creation of a new Albuquerque Police Oversight Agency (APOA) in collaboration with the with the USDOJ findings and investigation (November 2012 – December 2014)
· Served on the Police Oversight Board Selection Committee – 2014 to Present day.
· Currently engaging the USDOJ to facilitate talks with Kirtland AFB regarding employment and economic development programs to improve Hispanic representation.
· Advocated and currently establishing an Ethnic Studies Curriculum at the Albuquerque Public Schools for over 90,000 students. Donated well over $2,500 worth of books to the Albuquerque Public Schools to start
their Ethnic Studies Program in the Fall of 2017. These books were authored by New Mexican Author Ruben Salaz Marquez.
· Created a statewide year round Hispanic Heritage Committee to focus on Hispanic Heritage milestones, celebrations and observances (Via the HSOC in 1998).
· Established a Statewide and Southwest Land Grants Consortium and developing a Land Grant University in 2015.
· Created a Health and Wellness program for Hispanic youth and all ages to address obesity and diabetes concerns through our Anatomic Fitness gym and program (ongoing).
· Coached thousands of youth all across New Mexico in various sports and Boy Scout programs.
· Hosted our Annual Tribute to Hispano Legislators, Community Leaders and Hispano Veterans since 1992.
· Organize, participate and support fund raisers for Cancer Awareness, Multiple Sclerosis, Leukemia and Lymphoma.
· Our Veterans Committee served as the leading organization & voice to create the World War II National Monument & Memorial in Washington DC.
· Served as the cornerstone community organization in our advocacy to build the one and only National Hispanic Cultural Center in the United States of America.
· Honored and recognized hundreds of community leaders and Veterans at our Annual Dinner in Santa Fe.
· Hosted various venues and forums for Hispanic Artists and Book Authors
· Authored and established a statewide Hispanic Agenda with a long term vision to meet the needs of our growing population.
· Often meet and interview with thousands of media sources to include all television media sources, newspaper, radio, cable, the Associated Press, the British Broadcasting Corporation Worldwide, CNN News, Huffington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, and much more.
· Continue to serve as the catalyst and the strongest, most visible voice and advocate for the Hispano community in addressing all areas of education, employment, economic development, environmental justice, civil rights and social justice.
· The HRTNM has appeared thousands of times through every form of media in order to address all of the above issues over many years in support of the most vulnerable in our community.
This list below includes some of our many Hispano
Round Table of New Mexico (HRTNM) accomplishments through completely
voluntary efforts and exclusively through personal funding:
Recent Court Ruling Provides
Equal Education
Hispano Facts and Figures
for the U.S. and New Mexico